Beja: Collision followed by crash and rollover causes three injuries.

The collision of two light vehicles, followed by overturning, occurred this sunday afternoon, near Beja, caused three minor injuries, between them two younger children.

The accident occurred just past 19,00 hours on IP 2, about four kilometers from the capital of Lower Alentejo, near the place of Poço da Malta, in the town of Santa Clara de Louredo, when a light passenger vehicle traveling south-north, collided with another that was going in the opposite direction.

For reasons not yet determined, a Volkswagen vehicle (VW) driving by a lady, where the two daughters followed, properly stowed in the retention chairs, invaded the opposite lane and crashed into an Opel vehicle leaving the city of Beja, towards Vale de Açor de Cima, municipality of Mértola.

After crashing into Opel, the VW driver will have lost control of the vehicle that entered a ditch, having overturned, turning in the opposite direction to the one in which it followed. The injured are the driver of this last light, which was stabilized on site and transported to the Emergency Department of Hospital de Beja, the daughters suffered slight abrasions and also went to the hospital unit for observation.. In the other vehicle followed a couple with their son, of age, who emerged unscathed from the violent clash.

At the crash site were 12 operating the Beja Fire, City hospital VMER and GNR, supported by 6 Car. Traffic in IP2, it has been done alternately as the vehicles were out of the carriageway, inside an olive grove.

Teixeira Correia


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