Beja: Octogenarian body found on the railway line.

The body of an octogenarian woman was found this Wednesday afternoon on the Alentejo Railway Line at about 3 kilometers from Beja Station, near the neighborhood of São Miguel.

About 20 meters from where the body appeared, several companies are established, but no one will have noticed any accident, since the line is at an unevenness of about 5/6 meters at the level of the road that serves that area.

According to PSP source information, "the woman has 81 year old, she was on medication and the family had complained about the woman's disappearance", justifying that all theses "are being considered", since a fall, to being run over by a railway composition.

The alert was given at 4:39 pm by CP workers who were traveling in a carriage for maintenance on the way back to Beja, it is unknown at what time the woman will have fallen on the railroad.

Has learned the Lidador News (LN) agents of the Beja PSP Criminal Investigation Squad were at the Railway Station analyzing a composition that had compatible traces of a human being.

On the line was a cane and a bag that would have been the woman's property., whose body was removed at around 5:30 pm to the Legal Medical Office of Beja for an autopsy.

Teixeira Correia


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