An Algerian citizen, of 32 year old, and a Moroccan, of 46 year old, were injured and were transported to the Emergency Department of Beja Hospital, following a fight between the two men.
The alert for the altercation, which occurred tonight on Rua Aresta Branco, in Historical Center, close to the Cathedral and the Town Hall building, It was given to 21, 25 hours and the origin of the fight will be linked to the consumption of alcoholic beverages.
The two individuals live in a house inhabited by other citizens of the same nationalities, mostly workers linked to agriculture, namely, when harvesting olives or red fruits, and seasonality of work, leads to systematic confrontations.
There were twelve members of the Beja Volunteer Fire Department at the scene, medical car emergency and resuscitation (VMER) and from PSP, supported by five vehicles.
Despite the injuries, the two Maghrebi citizens, are not life-threatening.
Teixeira Correia
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