(Updated) Beja: Young 26 years puts an end to life in "Mills Santa Iria".
For reasons not yet explained, a couple of 26 years put an end to the life climbing to the top of the old "Mills Santa Iria", Beja and tossed to the street, having had immediate death.
For reasons explained in a letter left to parents, F.C.C., born and resident in Beja, rose last night, it seems about the 21.00 hours, the top of the old "Mills Santa Iria" (the young have up-to shot the first round silo you see in the picture), located on the street Crop, Beja and put an end to life.
Young was a partner of a company in Beja, with three other friends and spent most of his time in the gym, dedicating-se ao bodybuilding.
A morte de F.C.C., also former rugby player, He left the few friends who had knowledge of the fateful news, incredulous and appalled.
The so-called “Mills Santa Iria”, owned by the Municipality of Beja, They are abandoned a few years ago, They served to store seized cars to the order of court cases, but were already in flames and already served for gross rescue exercises by the Bomb
On-site was an ambulance of Beja Fire, the VMER and PSP, with elements of the Criminal Investigation.
O corpo de F.C.C. foi trasladado para a morgue do Hospital de Beja, shortly after 23,00 hours, after contacted the prosecutor who dismissed the presence of the Health Officer.
Teixeira Correia