(Update)Beja: Man 34 years puts an end to life in “Mills Santa Iria”.
For reasons not explained yet a man 34 year old, natural Albernôa and resident in Beja, put an end to life, rising to the top of Santa Iria Mills, Ploughing in the Street, next to the road-to -Iron Station, in Beja, where eventually launch.
The case happened about the 12,45 hours, when authorities were alerted to a suicide attempt, the young, J.P., 34 year old, finally finish in the presence of PSP, Fire and a family.
The same family also shouted that the man did not commit suicide, but, It was when it started running in the ceiling of the second base of Silos (marked by a circle) and he threw himself "into the void", from the body to fall off the floor of the "mills", having had immediate death. This was confirmed by the doctor of medical vehicle emergency and resuscitation (VMER) do Hospital de Beja.
On site attended several victim's family, including mother, who had a huge shock at the death of the son. To 22 hours Friday, on your facebook page, L.P. wrote: "In my life because it is by a wire…………………………………….lifetime. An hour later went back to writing: "With this I say it all", prefiguring a tragedy, what came to finish.
Has learned the Lidador News (LN), It has requested the presence of psychologists team INEM Lisbon, but, it was possible to learn, given the distance, the case has not been considered as important, so that those technicians were moved to Beja.
O corpo de L.P. It was moved to the Medico-Legal Office of Beja Hospital, after contacted the prosecutor who dismissed the presence of the Health Officer.
On-site was an ambulance of Beja Fire, a INEM, the VMER and PSP, with elements of the Criminal Investigation.
This is the second case of suicide, where the old facilities of were used “Mills Santa Maria”, with the previous case in 8 April 2015, when a young 26 years shot to death.
The so-called “Mills Santa Iria”, They are owned by the Municipality of Beja, being abandoned for some years. The place has served to store cars seized the order of court cases, but were already in flames and the execution of rescue exercises by the Fire.
In Street Ploughing, near the access door to the old mills, popular left in the air the question: “instead of having shot down the water tank, They should not bring down these towers are becoming a place of suicides ?”.
Teixeira Correia