A frontal collision between a heavy goods and a slight passenger on Thursday afternoon, the National Road 260 (EN260), that connects Beja to Serpa and Spain, caused a dead man and a serious injury, Considered critical state.
All involved in the accident are Spanish citizens, having been given to the alert 15,22 hours, and occurred to the kilometer 10 the EN260, with the company, Also he Spanish, Of Prado, In the so -called Herdade da Fonte de Frades.
The fatality, about 35 year old, was the driver of the light vehicle, while the serious injured, of 55 year old, It's the hanging, both workers from a company that provides services in agriculture, moved to Spain. The driver of the heavy goods, traveling from the neighboring country and was destined for the Port of Setúbal, I was unharmed from the collision.
Has learned the Lidador News (LN), o condutor do veÃculo espanhol encostou-se à berma que um outro veÃculo fazia a ultrapassagem com o pesado de frente, acabou por perder o controle da viatura, que entrou em despiste, invadiu a faixa contrária acabando por colidir com o camião, que o arrastou durante vários metros até parar.
O condutor teve morte imediata, que foi confirmada no local pelo médico da VMER do Hospital de Beja, while the serious injured, dado o seu gravÃssimo estado, foi estabilizado no local, transportado para a unidade de saúde e só depois deverá ser transportado para um hospital de Lisboa.
O helicóptero do INEM sediado em Évora aterrou na EN260, mas como o ferido não estava em condições de ser transportado, acabou por levantar voo, foi reabastecer, to return to Beja and land in the synthetic lawn of the city's sports complex and transport the injured to Lisbon.
The traffic on site was performed alternating by dirt road, ownership of Prado who authorized its use to drain the traffic from Beja and Serpa.
Relief effort were 30 Beja and Serpa Volunteer Firefighters, VMER, INEM and GNR helicopter, supported by 10 vehicles and hi aerial.
The accident is being investigated by military personnel from the Crime Investigation Center in Road Accidents (NICAVE) of the GNR Territorial Command of Beja.
Teixeira Correia