Beringel/ Beja: Fire destroys home. Two homeless.

A fire destroyed a house in the village and Beringel makes two homeless, mother and son. Family living in the adjoining house were taken from home in case. High material damage, but no victims.

A fire broke out early on Thursday, in the kitchen of a house, in the town of Beringel, county Beja, caused the total destruction of it and left homeless, mother and son lived in the house.

For precaution, the room adjoining, a couple and child, also family members affected by fire, They were taken from the same. In addition to the high damage, no victims to mourn.

fire, not number 11 of Old Well Street, will have begun, due to a short circuit in a socket, where a cabinet and a refrigerator were linked, which they were consumed by fire and quickly "took care" of all housing.

Do not rule out the possibility of an electrical discharge occurred on public roads, that may have originated the short circuit, so it was triggered picket EDP, to inspect a set of urban lighting.

The alert for the fire was given to 07.00 hours, by another resident of Old Well Street, as mother and son of the house that burned, They were asleep when the fire broke out and not have noticed the same.

On site was the councilor of the Municipality of Beja, responsible for Civil Protection, which provided support to the family homeless, that in the near future will be to live with relatives.

In fire fighting, It was given as the extinct 10,00 hours, They have been 8 operating the Fire Beja Volunteers, supported by 3 vehicles and 4 elements and two cars GNR.

Teixeira Correia


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