(Updated) Gorda / Beja: assets of “Ferróbico” seized during hour and a half.
A Summary Execution, by debt to a company Beja, It led to the assets of the Sports Club and Recreativo Gorda, popular “Ferróbico”, were pledged. A partner and great friend of the club, He paid the debt of 4.990 euros.
It was a morning, first in disbelief and then sadness, for some people Gorda who gathered outside the headquarters of the door of the Sports and Recreation Club, popular “Ferróbico”, when four cars of the company Camacho Nunes- Credit Recovery, accompanied by two execution agents, They began to pull the club property.
Concerned a debt of 2.226,07 euros, to Manuel Eduardo Manuel Company, Sole, Lda, whose legal interest and expenses fixed in 4.990 euros.
An hour and a half later they are being loaded the goods of Ferróbico, a member and former player and manager of the building materials branch established in Gorda, assumed debt settlement and the goods returned to be returned to the club.
One of the vehicles the club was locked away to then be transported to the headquarters, It would also be released.
Sergio Jacinto, presidente do C.D.R. Gorda told the News that Lidador “the debt resulted from purchases made there 4/5 year old, on behalf of the club, by continuous headquarters, but without authorization from the direction of then. There notifications, but as in other similar situations we use and gain the causes. We believed in progress could appeal and reverse the situation. The image of the club was in a stained form, for something by third parties. There was a great friend of the club once again helped”, finished.
The GNR was at the scene called for the direction of the club.
Teixeira Correia