Fat Head: Collision between car and tricycle is dead.

A collision between a passenger car and tricycle occurred last night near the town of Gorda, county Beja, He caused a fatality.

G.GORDA- Bike_800x800The accident occurred at about 21.25 hours on the highway (IN) 391, km 40,2, the entrance to the town of Gorda and involved a passenger car and tricycle, which resulted in the death of the driver of the vehicle two-wheeled, an individual 64 year old, known as “Chino”, former player Gorda Head Sports Club.

On site were operating the Beja Fire, medical vehicle emergency and resuscitation (VMER) e a GNR. The body was tresladado to the Medico-Legal Office of Beja Hospital, in order to be autopsied.

Teixeira Correia


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