Campo Maior: Pedro Passos Coelho did the night tour People's Parties.
Pedro Passos Coelho, He walked for about three hours by the flowery streets of Campo Maior. They were 02.00 Hour Sunday, when the Prime Minister left the Square Comendador Rui Nabeiro, in what might be called “one crowd bath”.
In socialist land Pedro Passos Coelho “played at home”. For about three hours the leader of the Government strolled the streets of Campo Maior, as another citizen, visiting the People's Parties. Officially the presence of rabbit Steps was scheduled for 15.30 of today, to the Closing Ceremony Official parties of raiana village, but, before heading to Castelo de Vide, which will end once the PSD Summer University, the prime minister, paced their share of citizens.
The uncomplicated ride Passos Coelho is not oblivious to the fact one of the PSP's Security Corps personnel and personal security Passos Coelho be born in Campo Maior, which allowed a better understanding of those who approached the Prime Minister.
Passos Coelho heard “Campo Maior skirts”, She was invited to sing, removed “selfies” and photos with dozens of people (in the exclusive photo Lidador News with Ricardo Pinheiro, President of Field House Higher) and even was invited to a “boot down” caipirinha by a group of young people, to whom the leader of the Government answered: “I appreciate your invitation, but I have responsibilities, among them being here again in the afternoon to close the People's Parties”, which however not precluded that proved the spirit drink.
The Lidador News (LD), tried to get a reaction from Passos Coelho the shooting occurred on Saturday afternoon, Quinta do Conde, Sesimbra, the press officer, He stressed that it was the visit “the citizen and at the end of holidays, the prime minister, if I was questioned talk about it”, concluded.
It is recalled that an angry neighbors, a man fired on three people, with António Pereira, PSP officer who was driver of the Prime Minister's office, Pedro Passos Coelho, and personal driver's respective military adviser, died right there. The son was hit in the head but was still alive, and even he called and tried to help the father, finally died in hospital. The third victim was a military GNR had been called to the scene to take account of the occurrence.
Passos Coelho left Campo Maior bound for Marvão where they would spend the night and on Sunday morning ends the Summer University of the PSD, then returned to Campo Maior, which closes the People's Parties 2015.
Teixeira Correia