COVID-19: Municipality of Serpa has 13 of 22 cases of Beja district.

The Serpa county has 13 positive cases of Covid-19 and the focus is located in Vila Verde Ficalho, that has 12 cases. Castro Verde and Cuba recorded a case.

The Beja district records recorded this Saturday 22 (twenty two) positive cases, more 5 (five) of that yesterday registavam, there confirmation of the case in the Mértola municipality, two in Serpa and in the municipalities of Castro Verde and Cuba.

Has learned the Lidador News (LN) both cases the municipality of Serpa, refer to new infected conducting a lunch in Vila Verde Ficalho, yesterday recorded 9 (new) cases.

The 22 positive cases, 21 They relate to seven of 13 municipalities in the district of Beja, that they are in the area of ​​influence of the Intermunicipal Community of the Lower Alentejo (CIMB) and Local Health Unit of the Lower Alentejo (ULSBA) and 1 in the area of ​​Community Intermunicipal Alentejo Litoral (Cimal) and Unity of the Alentejo Litoral Local Health (ULSAL), specifically the county of Odemira.

Serpa county records 13 cases, wherein 12 They are located in Vila Verde Ficalho, and as previously mentioned 11 to relate to a situation lunch and the other is a woman, of 80 year old, wearer's Social Center St. George and Lady of Reconciliation, in Vila Verde Ficalho, that since Monday is hospitalized in the Hospital José Joaquim Fernandes, in Beja.

The eleventh case concerns a woman who lives in the town of Serpa and was involved in a group 45 who was in Argentina and returned to Portugal with a stop in Sao Paulo, No brazil.

In the municipality of Beja, three cases, two women and a man belonging to the said group was in Argentina, situation that was confirmed by Paul Arsenic, Mayor of Beja and head of the Municipal Civil Protection.

Almodovar presents two cases, both linked to the return from France of an emigrant 60 year old, natural Bragança and residence for more than 20 years in that village, and last day 24 March, Viewed confirmed as positive in the test Covid-19, in what was the first case in the district of Beja.

in Mértola, President of the local authority, Jorge Rosa,confirmed a case in the city, revealing that it is a "user of the Social Center of Montes Altos, parish of Santana de Cambas ". The mayor justified that "following official confirmation by the General Directorate of Health were immediately activated the appropriate procedures to the situation. Facilities at the Social Center of the High Mountains were closed, and users and employees will remain inside the building, to be carried out tests to all and to all ", ends.

The patient is a lady 95 year old, who is hospitalized in Beja Hospital, following a fall that occurred in the home of the Social Center on Saturday, having initially been transported to the Health Center of Castro Verde in a vehicle of the institution.

Subsequently, given his state of health was transported by the Fire Ourique Volunteer for Beja Hospital, where would be the target of an operation. Likely to be subject to high medical test was Covid-19, which has proved to be as positive.

source with the Fire Volunteer Ourique, LN confirmed that the three elements of the corporation that made the old transport for Beja, are already waiting in isolation to them the Covid-19 screening tests. There is also a volunteer of Beja Fire, Hospital employee who contacted with the lady who is in the same situation of co-Ourique.

In the area of ​​influence of the cymbal and ULSBA, They emerged two new cases, one in Castro Verde county and other Cuba

Odemira remains confirmed case of Indian nationality citizen, of 46 year old, who had arrived in Lisbon, and live in the parish of Longueira / Almograve, whose case was confirmed on 25 March, the services of the Municipal Civil Protection that municipality.

According to today's data released by DGS (DGS report 04 April) there are three cases in each of the municipalities of Beja and Serpa.

Teixeira Correia


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