COVID-19: District of Beja 23 positive cases. Odemira now has 2.

In another case in Odemira, the Beja district records Sunday 23 positive cases. There 191 people in active surveillance and 123 to await results.

The Beja district records Sunday 23 (twenty three) positive cases, more 1 (a) of those who yesterday registavam, existing and confirming a new case in Odemira.

The vente and three positive cases, 21 They relate to seven of 13 municipalities in the district of Beja, that they are in the area of ​​influence of the Intermunicipal Community of the Lower Alentejo (CIMB) and Local Health Unit of the Lower Alentejo (ULSBA) and 2 in the area of ​​Community Intermunicipal Alentejo Litoral (Cimal) and Unity of the Alentejo Litoral Local Health (ULSAL), specifically the county of Odemira.

As for cases of active surveillance, There registration of 191 people, wherein 158 They are in management and the ULSBA 33 in the ULSLA and with regard to people awaiting results of the test, the number is 123, and 112 in the area of ​​ULSNBA and 11 at that ULSLA.

Serpa county records 13 cases, wherein 12 They are located in Vila Verde Ficalho, 11 relate to a situation of a lunch held in the town and the other is a woman, of 80 year old, wearer's Social Center St. George and Lady of Reconciliation, in Vila Verde Ficalho, that since last Monday is hospitalized in the Hospital José Joaquim Fernandes, in Beja. Already the results made known to the other are 35 users and 30 staff home to Ficalho, having the same data as negative.

The eleventh case concerns a woman who lives in the town of Serpa and was involved in a group 45 who was in Argentina and returned to Portugal with a stop in Sao Paulo, No brazil.

Except for Odemira in other municipalities there is no change in the number of known cases and released yesterday by Lidador News. Today the situation is as follows: Serpa- 13 positive cases, Beja- 3, Odemira and Almodovar- 2 where each, Castro Verde, Cuba and Mértola- 1 each case in each county.

In positive cases of Beja, the District Command of the PSP made known in a statement that "control, in close and direct collaboration with the National Health Authority, of all people, the geographical area of ​​intervention of CD Beja, They are required to Containment Required, under a condition of 19 patients COVID-, or by having them been determined obligation to Active Surveillance ".

Regarding the home of the situation of the Social Center of Montes Altos (na photos), Santana parish Cambas, municipality of Mértola, which it was detected one case, It is not yet known the results of tests carried out to the remaining users and employees.

Remember that the patient is a lady 95 year old, who is hospitalized in Beja Hospital, following a fall that occurred in the home of the Social Center on Saturday, having initially been transported to the Health Center of Castro Verde in a vehicle of the institution. Subsequently, given his state of health was transported by the Fire Ourique Volunteer for Beja Hospital, where would be the target of an operation.

This case originated in the placement of the three insulating elements made corporation elderly transmission Beja, and is waiting for the execution of screening tests ode Covid-19. There is also a volunteer of Beja Fire, Hospital employee who contacted with the lady who is in the same situation of co-Ourique.

Today's data DGS

According to the data released today (DGS report 05 April) there are four cases in the municipality of Serpa, one more than yesterday, contrary to what the report local health authorities which account 13 cases and, three in the Beja.

As for the Alentejo's total, according to DGS, 82 positive cases distributed as follows: Évora- 15, Reguengos de Monsaraz- 8, Santiago do Cacém- 6, Serpa and Sines- 4 each and Beja and Grandola- 3 each, in total 43 cases 7 of 47 municipalities of the region.

Teixeira Correia



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