MĂ©rtola becomes very high where Serpa and Odemira remain at high risk. The remaining thirteen counties, including Beja, are at moderate risk.
Despite your current situation, with 16 positive cases, the Municipality of MĂ©rtola is now considered to be a very high risk municipality, which aggravates the measures that citizens have to comply. Serpa had no change in position, continuing as very high risk, while Odemira remained at high risk. Very high Cuba and high Barrancos, both went to moderate risk, where the rest of the district councils met.
On 9 December this was the scenario: Serpa went from “high” to “very high” where the Municipality of Cuba was already located. At “high” risk, where Barrancos and Odemira were positioned, Mértola also appears, while Castro Verde moved to the first and lowest level, the “moderate”, where are the remaining eight municipalities.
The Council of Ministers that took place this Thursday (17 December 2020) approved a new list of municipalities by risk level (20201217+mep + risk + municipalities + covid).
Covid-19 risk ranking
Extremely high: without registration, Very high: MĂ©rtola and Serpa, High: Beja and Moderate: Aljustrel, Almodovar, Alvito, Canyons, Beja, Castro Verde, Cuba, Ferreira do Alentejo, Moura, Ourique and Vidigueira.
No Natal, Government does not move (https://www.dn.pt/poder/governo-corta-totalmente-celebracoes-do-ano-novo-13151227.html?utm_source=push&utm_medium=mas&utm_term=13151227#media-2), but pull “brake” to the New Year.
On New Year's Eve “apply the handbrake” and apply more restrictive measures. There is curfew “across the mainland” scheduled for the days 31 December and 1, 2 and 3 January.
And what are? “Apply the ban on driving on public roads as of 11 pm 31 of December, and in the days 1, 2 and 3 of janeiro from 13h to 05h, maintaining the ban on movement between municipalities between midnight 31 of December of 2020 and at 5 am 4 of janeiro of 2021, except for health reasons, imperative urgency or other specifically provided for“.
Other than these, will be reviewed “the restaurant opening hours, across the mainland, establishing that, on 31 of December, operation is allowed until 10:30 pm“, and “on days 1, 2 and 3 of janeiro until 1 pm, except for home deliveries“.