Covid-19: Five more user deaths in two homes in Beja.

There are five more fatal victims in the two homes in Bejense. Three users (women) of the Mansion and two (men) of the Parish Center. There are already eight in total in the two institutions.

Morreram mais cinco utentes nos lares da Mansão de São José e do Centro Paroquial e Social do Salvado, both in Beja, and according to the update made by the Board of Directors of the Baixo Alentejo Local Health Unit (ULSBA).

Todas as vítimas estavam internadas em enfermarias da área dedicada à covid-19, located on the 3rd floor of Hospital José Joaquim Fernandes, in Beja, e as vítimas são três mulheres que tinham 85, 96 and 99 year old, utentes do lar da Mansão de São José e dois homens de 81 and 96 anos do Centro Paroquial e Social do Salvador.

No caso do lar da Mansão já seis as vítimas mortais uma vez que já tinham falecido três mulheres de 81, 89 and 91 year old. Com as cinco mortes nos dois lares, They are already 10 the fatal victims of the municipality of Beja since the beginning of the covid-19 pandemic, the first death occurred on the day 20 April, a man of 87 year old, user of Lar Nobre Freire, also in the city of Beja.

Currently they are 133 active cases in the two institutions for the care of elderly people in Bejense, and 101 at the São José Mansion, 81 between users and 20 on employees. At the Parish and Social Center of Salvador to register 32 positive cases, and 25 in users and 7 among employees.

As ULSBA, em internamento da enfermaria covid do Hospital de Beja estão 12 users, 10 Mansion and 2 of the Parish Center.

It is recalled that last day 17 October, 54 women, two of which have negative tests, were transferred from the Mansion of São José to a building of the Air Force Base Covid Reception Center (BA) 11.

Teixeira Correia


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