Red Cross: Homes will be closed. Fired workers and users without a solution.

The Portuguese Red Cross (CVP) will end, to 31 July, the two Residential Structures for the Elderly (ERPI’s) which it owns in the city of Beja.

Around two and a half dozen workers are unemployed and there are 37 users with no solution in sight. As two ERPI's, Henry Dunant Rest Houses (top photo) e José António Marques (bottom photo), they had 57 users, but stop 20 solutions were found by CVP and family members.

Confirmam-se as piores notícias que o Lidador Notícias (LN) had advanced last day 15 January, where the closure of ERPI’s was revealed, a saída dos trabalhadores e que os familiares dos utentes ficariam comum grave problema para resolver”.

Na quarta-feira o LN revelou que o presidente da Direção Nacional da CVP estaria na manhã de hoje em Beja para falar com os trabalhadores, onde acabaria por comunicado fecho das ERPI’s e a sua saída, sendo na tarde desta sexta-feira comunicada a situação aos familiares dos utentes.

Teixeira Correia


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