Cuba: Fireman's funeral, it will be tomorrow at 15 time in Vila Alva.

Carlos Carvalho's funeral, of the Cuban Voluntary Firefighters, it will be tomorrow at 15 hours, in Vila Alva. The President of the Republic and the Minister for Internal Administration will be present.

Carlos Carvalho's funeral, 40 year old, 3rd class firefighter from the Cuban Voluntary Firefighters Active Board (BVC), who died yesterday following the severe burns he suffered throughout his body, when fighting a fire, last day 13 July, in Castro Verde.

The body of the failed firefighter will be in the late afternoon of this Friday in a burning chamber, at the mortuary house in Vila Alva, municipality of Cuba, where it was natural, performing the funeral tomorrow, by 15,00 hours, to the local cemetery.

The President of the Republic has already announced that he will be attending the funeral of Carlos Carvalho, being Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa accompanied by Eduardo Cabrita, Minister of Internal Affairs.

It should be remembered that the BVC operator was hospitalized in the Burn Unit of the Hospital de São José, in Lisbon, since the day of the fire in a state that was always considered “very serious”, since he had burns in 95% of the body, never having come out of a coma.

The fight for life continues Carlos Heleno, 29 year old, the other operational of the BVC, who presents a more favorable situation since his body is less burned.

The two operatives were fighting a violent fire that broke out around the 17,00 horas do dia 13 de Julho in the municipality of Castro Verde, having been caught in a sudden change of direction of the flames in the face of the very strong wind that was felt.

In addition to the two Cuban firefighters, three other operatives of the Ferreira do Alentejo and Castro Verde firefighters suffered minor injuries, the latter having lost a fire-fighting vehicle, as a result of an accident.

The fire was fought by more than 200 operational, supported by 56 vehicles and three aerial means, making them burn 2.433 hectares of cereals, pasture and bales, affecting 13 farms.

Teixeira Correia


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