Distinction: Government attaches Medal of Cultural Merit to archaeologist Cláudio Torres.

The Government has decided to award the Medal of Cultural Merit to archaeologist Cláudio Torres, in recognition of “a dedicated life” the historical research and the causes of cultural heritage and archeology peninsular. The medal is delivered Saturday in Mértola.

“In recognition of the invaluable work of a life dedicated to the study and historical research and the causes of cultural heritage and archeology peninsular, has helped to preserve and comprises, with his work, a fundamental part of our collective memory, understands the Portuguese Government pay public tribute to Claudio Torres, granting him the Medal of Cultural Merit”, Minister referred to the office of Culture, Graça Fonseca, in a statement sent to Lusa.

According to the Cabinet, the medal will be delivered by Graça Fonseca in a ceremony in the Alentejo village of Mértola, district of Beja, Saturday, day when Claudio Torres, natural Tondela, Viseu, where he was born in 11 January 1939, makes 81 year old.

In the early 60 twentieth century, Claudio Torres, with 21 years and Fine Arts student in Porto and opposition to the Salazar regime, He suffered the persecution of the regime's police, having been stuck for some time.

Exiled abroad, He worked in different countries, such as Morocco and Romania. In the latter concluded, in 1973, a degree in Art History and Theory at the University of Bucharest.

After returning to Portugal, in 1974, He began teaching activity in the Department of History of the Faculty of Arts, University of Lisbon, where he taught several chairs linked to Medieval History.

In 1978, the invitation of the first president of the Chamber elected in Mértola democracy, Serrao Antonio Martins, Claudio Torres “launched to work” to “village museum”, where, in 1978, He founded the Mértola Archaeological Site (CAM), who drives, and where he moved permanently, in 1986, after the definitive removal of the Faculty of Arts.

In addition to the route as anti-fascist fighter before 25 April, “the pioneering work of Claudio Torres, already in democracy, contributed decisively to the change of the Portuguese historiography with regard to the role of the Islamic legacy in Portugal and, in this way, to a larger and fairer understanding of our history”, refers ministry.

The foundation, longevity and overall results of the CAM, not only for the town and the county of Mértola, but also for the whole Alentejo, “They demonstrated the importance that cultural projects can have as a factor of sustainable development and as a lever for territorial cohesion”.

“We owe Claudio Torres advanced vision in this field and its application in freedom and democracy”, referred to Graça Fonseca cabinet, stressing that the archaeologist vision “It opened a new perspective on the centrality of the Islamic heritage in Portugal, that it had never been possible before your studies”.

“This is also a way for the maintenance of peace and for the Portuguese cultural diplomacy with the countries that share the history and Islamic culture”, Frisian.

Claudio Torres has developed scientific activity in the area of ​​cultural heritage, particularly in the fields of archeology, of historical research and museology.

In the field of archeology and historical research, stands out, from 1978, the direction of the archaeological excavations in Mértola.

As part of its museographic activity, He founded the Museum of Mértola and was a consultant and commissioner of several exhibitions displayed in Portugal and Morocco.

Among the published works, stand- “Islamic Portuguese ceramics: Catalogue” (1987), “Mértola: village museum” (1989) and “The Islamic Legacy in Portugal” (1998).

Claudio Torres has received several distinctions, especially the Grand Cross of the Order of Infante D. Henrique, granted by the President (1993), Pessoa prize (1991), doctorate 'honoris causa’ the University of Évora (2001) and Award of the Vatican Pontifical Academies awarded by Pope Francis to Mértola Archaeological Site (2015).

Claudio Torres founded the magazine “Medieval Archeology” and held various positions, as the head of the Socio-Cultural Division of the Chamber Mértola, between 1986 and 1996, and director of the Guadiana Valley Natural Park, between 1996 and 2002, date on which he retired.

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