Lack of doctors: Castro Verde and Moura Health Centers Closed on New Year’s Eve.

The Board of Directors (CA) the Local Health Unit of Baixo Alentejo (ULSBA) issued a statement making it known that the Basic Emergency Services (SUB) Castro Verde and Moura will be closed on the last day of the year and part of the first day of 2024.

The ULSBA CA anticipated the weekly communication from the Executive Management of the SNS that operationalizes and identifies the preferred reference institutions for the region.

In the document, ULSBA states that the two SUB “will be closed between 08,00 hours 31 December and the 08,00 hours 1 of January", a situation that is due to “the lack of doctors to fill the service roster”.

During the 24 hours when the Castro Verde and Moura Health Centers are closed “patients are referred to the Emergency Service of Hospital José Joaquim Fernandes de Beja”, leaving ULSBA to warn that there will be constraints on the number of professionals who make up the medical teams “so the waiting time, in particular for less urgent patients, will be committed”, justify.

The Castro Verde and Moura Health Centers are part of, such as the José Joaquim Fernandes Hospital, of the National Health Service Emergency Services Network Reorganization Plan.

Teixeira Correia


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