GNR: Cabinet approves not new Professional Status.

The Council of Ministers did not approve the new Professional Status of GNR, por seu turno a PSP, who came to develop a zeal strike fines to demonstrate dissatisfaction with the lack of approval of changes to the Status Professional, We saw the same approved. The GNR associations talk about discrimination and transfer the government to pressure from the official Excército.

GNRePSP_800x800According advances the “News Minute to”, the new status of PSP was on Thursday approved by the Council of Ministers. After several negotiations and some protests, the police managed the Professional Statute was approved.

At issue was the memorandum signed between the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MAY) and four unions of PSP, in which it had been established that the police kept the 36 working hours and went to have a new salary scale, that would allow a wage increase to 50 euros. Also allowed to take pre-retirement to be passed automatically to 55 years old and 36 years of service, and reform the 60 years without penalty.

In a press conference, after the meeting of the Cabinet, Minister of Internal Affairs, Anabela Rodrigues, reported that “They were fulfilled all procedures provided for the Public Security Police (PSP). We must emphasize and praise the important role played by all those who contributed their work in a positive way to achieve a set of possible solutions, Personal that translate this status”.

“It was also approved an ordinance that clarifies the transitional arrangements to the passage of reserve status and retirement systems applicable to GNR military and it is expected that the application of the transitional rules have the same terms that the armed forces”, He stressed the Minister, ensuring that this would put an end to “a situation which generated inequality between the treatment of soldiers of the National Guard and Armed Forces”.

Anabela Rodrigues to, approval is a positive sign of commitment from the Government. “The Government is giving a very strong signal to the population that is very committed. With this law especially wins the country and the security of the country”.

When asked about the Statute of GNR, to minister explains that “as soon as it was possible it was initiated the process for the review of such status, the preparation of an initial proposal, with the presentation, the discussion with the trade unions and the proposal sent to the legislative process. During this process there have been some issues. This process has not been completed within the Council of Ministers”.

“There currently are unable to conclude”, ends.

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