Moura: Accident leaves woman badly injured.

Forgetfulness, near Moura, leaves incarcerated women and seriously injured. It was transported to the Emergency Department of Beja Hospital.

A woman 33 year old, He was seriously injured as a result of the passenger car of the screening which took place around the 09,25 hours Thursday, having been imprisoned. it was carried, in a state regarded as very serious, or Hospital for Beja.

The accident occurred at kilometer 54,6 the National Road (IN) 258, the input Moura, the connection between Pedrogão Alentejo, county Vidigueira, and the city Alentejo.

The dense fog, the slippery surface and any excess speed may be in the highway exit of origin having fallen into a slope of about 6 meters deep.

The woman, born in a nearby village of Beja, moved to Moura, where he works in Medical Dental Clinic.

At the crash site were 20 operating the Fire, SIV and GNR de Moura and Beja VMER, supported by 8 Car.

Teixeira Correia


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