Odemira: Cyclist dies and another injured after collision with car.
A cyclist died and another suffered serious injuries, being transported by helicopter to a hospital in Lisbon, a collision occurred in Odemira (Beja) between a car and bikes that followed.
The District Command Relief Operations (CDOS) Beja told the Lusa agency that the fire department received, to 8.37 hours, the alert to the collision, which involved a private motor vehicle and two bicycles.
The accident, also advanced to the Lusa Territorial Command Beja GNR, It happened in Municipal Road 501, in the Grass Grande area, in Odemira, and caused “one fatality, a man of 40 year old, and one seriously injured, a man of 37 year old”.
“The two victims followed the two cycles involved in the collision with the light vehicle and were part of a group of 12 cyclists” circulating that road of Alentejo county, in the neighborhood area S. Teotonio, the source added GNR.
According to the CDO Beja, the serious injured “He was transported to the Hospital of S. José”, in Lisbon, the helicopter of the National Institute of Medical Emergency (INEM) based in Faro and mobilized to the site.
“Yet they were assisted at the site other three victims”, but they did not require transport or treatment in any health facility, said the CDOS, although the GNR has told the Lusa does not have information of more people injured resulting from accident.
A Estrada Municipal 501, that section, She was still around the cut 12 hours, according to GNR, By await the arrival of the team of the Center for Traffic Accident Research (NICAV) Beja.
“The NICAV is it going to find out the causes of the accident and, only after, will you be able to make the removal of the body of the fatality and the reopening of the road to traffic”, said the source of the GNR, adding such “It should not take long”.
For the site were mobilized 10 operational, supported by four vehicles, between means of fire, GNR e INEM (with Immediate Support ambulance Odemira Life and the helicopter).