Odemira: Boy in very serious condition, Dog attack victim.

A boy of six years, suffered very serious injuries, as a result of a dog attack occurred Thursday around the 19,10 hours, on Mount Alagoinha, Village Redondo Beach, in the town of Laps, Odemira.

The big dog is boy's grandfather owned, also owner of the lot and the attack happened when the kid was playing with the animal. The circumstances in which the dog attacked the victim have not yet been clarified by the authorities.

Given the seriousness, the boy was transported by support vehicle immediately life (SIV) Odemira, accompanied by the medical car and emergency resuscitation (VMER) Beja, to the helipad of Ourique, having been transported, cerca the 22,05 hours, by helicopter from Faro INEM, to the hospital D.Estefânia, in Lisbon.

As revealed Captain Daniel Ferreira, porta-voz do Comando Territorial de Beja da GNR, "The pet owner has been notified as trustee dog, which will be collected on Friday by veterinary and municipal services Odemira ", justified.

In the rescue operations were involved 17 operating the Fire and SIV Odemira, VMER Beja, INEM e GNR, supported by five cars and an air means.

Teixeira Correia


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