Ovar will be the Tour step of starting the Portugal / Liberty Seguros

Ovar will receive the starting stage of the 77th Tour of Portugal Bike / Liberty Seguros. According to a statement from Podium Events, organizing entity of proof, vareira the city returns to “Portuguese” more 30 years later.

photo Ovar - Portugal back 2015_800x800From 1982 the largest national cycling competition was brushed off the county, but a compromise reached between the municipality and the race organization makes it possible to return this. Next summer, Ovar will be the starting point of a stage of the Tour, that goes on the road between 29 July and 9 August .

Now that the council unanimously approved the participation in the Tour of Portugal / Liberty Seguros, Salvador Malheiro, President of Ovar Chamber, recalls the recent award to the municipality of Mobility Award National Bike 2014. "We have been promoting the use of bicycles as a gentle means of sustainable mobility and as a means of effective and environmentally friendly transport to the discovery of our territory. Available, free, 100 Bicycle, distributed 12 Parks BIA – Public Bicycle Use Shared intercity Ovar, strategically located throughout the county. Surely the Tour of Portugal will further contribute to promote sustainable urban mobility, sensitizing the population for choosing greener transportation options in response to the challenge of protecting the environment and reducing energy dependency. "
Ovar in the Tour of Portugal
Data de 1982 the last passage of the caravan by Vareiro county, when the thirteenth stage of the 44th Tour of Portugal ended in Furadouro. A drawn won by Alexandre Streets (Slate) in the year of the first victory of Marco Chagas in the Tour. The next day the caravan would leave the famous beach of Ovar for the penultimate stage of the great adventure of the two wheels.
Twenty years before the caravan encamped for three days in Ovar municipality. The second stage of the 25th Tour of Portugal came to Furadouro. José Pacheco (FC Porto) won not only taken this as Furadouro circuit held the next day. The squad only abandon Ovar the fourth stage. The Pacheco wins reinforced the surprising triumph of sprinter of FC Porto in the Volta 1962.
We retreated half a dozen years to return to Furadouro who returned to receive, in 1956, two days of competition: an arrival and a step of starting. Alves Barbosa (Sangalhos) which dominated the Tour won in Furadouro.
The debut of the presence "voltista" in Ovar happened in 1935, year in which there ended a stage won by Jose Marquez (Campo de Ourique). This already very distant sixth edition of the Tour, historical records also remember an early stage in Ovar. In next August will be the sixth time in the history of the Tour of Portugal that ovarenses attend the departure of a drawn. The 77th edition of the Tour of Portugal Liberty Seguros is between 29 July and 9 August.
After such a long interval, the return of the Tour of Portugal Ovar is in full mode. Before, have the authority connection to cycling had gained new impetus when the city witnessed the birth of Ovar Cycling School and when one of the major professional teams in Portugal, the Efapel, settled in the self-county "Emotions Territory".

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