V.N.Milfontes: Fei~tur 2018 of 8 a 10 June, in the franchise Beach, mouth of the river Mira.
FEI~TUR 2018: O turismo desportivo e de natureza em destaque em Vila Nova de Milfontes. O evento realiza-se junto à foz do rio Mira, in the franchise Beach, with free entries.
In the days 8, 9 and 10 June, Vila Nova de Milfontes recebe a FEI~TUR – Turismo Desportivo e de Natureza, resultado da parceria entre o MunicÃpio de Odemira e a Entidade Regional de Turismo do Alentejo e Ribatejo.
O objetivo passa por promover e afirmar o Alentejo, e Odemira em particular, como destino privilegiado para o Turismo Desportivo e de Natureza. O evento realiza-se junto à foz do rio Mira, in the franchise Beach, with free entries.
A FEI~TUR aposta no reforço da promoção dos produtos turÃsticos mais emblemáticos do concelho de Odemira e do território, by highlighting the activities in nature, como passeios de barco no rio e no mar, canoeing, pedestrianismo, mergulho ou stand up paddle.
The event features performances of accommodation units and tourist entertainment companies, exhibition of food products and local craft shows, alongside a strong sports program, of street entertainment and children's entertainment.
Within gastronomic, local products deserve highlight, both evidence and showcookings, as in this restoration.
Note for completion of the symposium on the theme “The South West Tourist attraction”, by 14.30 hours, the College Our Lady of Grace.
Spectacles program, highlighting the performances of Frankie Chavez (sixth, 8 June) e Linda Martini (Saturday, 9 June).
The organization of FEITUR has the financial support of the Program 365 Alentejo-Ribatejo.