V.N. St. Benedict / Serpa: Filled Fair III and Ham 27 a 29 July.
Vila Nova de São Bento receives, of 27 a 29 July, III Fair Filled and Ham, initiative organized by the Union of Vila Nova de Parishes of St. Benedict and Vale de Vargo, with the support of the Municipality of Serpa.
Editing 2018 the Fair Stuffed Ham and intends to establish itself as another significant moment of economic stimulation and recovery and protection of indigenous resources, in particular those related to processing of pig Alentejano, combining the commercial component and cultural animation moments, with the technical and scientific component, It is marked by various taste experiences and exhibitions.
On the first day, especially I Show "Hose New Village", a local gastronomic specialty, with certification "tradicional.PT" that includes the participation of local producers, the "independent food - Meats and Groceries, Lda ", the Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development and the National Institute for Agricultural and Veterinary Research.
Saturday, day 28, It will be marked by the establishment of an organoleptic characterization of reference of the "Hose New Village" and the Experimental Competition Sausage Cured, responsible for initiatives Tasting Panel South Sausages Portugal, (constituted in the previous edition of this fair, in 2017).
It will also be held a get-together "Ham - how to harmonize with Wine", streamlined by Teresa Gomes, Sommelier distinguished in 2017 as "Sommelier of the Year "by the magazine" Great Choices ".
On closing the prize will be delivered and honors Concelhio Experimental procedure and perform Cured sausage is filled-tasting.
During the three days there will be evidence and sale of sausages and hams and ethnographic exhibition "From the bowl to the pan".