Execution process filed by a bank involves the company Vale da Rosaa and its owner/manager Antonio Silvestre Ferreira..
An Ordinary Execution was filed last Thursday at the Central Civil and Criminal Court of the Court of Beja, which has co-executor Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria, S.A., Branch in Portugal and how Vale da Rosa – Sociedade AgrÃcola, Lda. and Antonio José Ramos Silvestre Ferreira.
According to the publication of the execution on the Citius Portal, at stake is the value of 820 692,12 euros, having already been appointed an Enforcement Agent.
The executive process is a chained sequence of acts and formalities designed to promote the necessary steps for the coercive collection of a credit right.
Execution agent is responsible for carrying out most of the acts of the executive process, such as the seizure of assets and/or income. It is also responsible for selling all seized assets and paying creditors with the money obtained from the sale of the seized assets..
Teixeira Correia