As Lidador Notícias revealed last day 6 January, in Vale da Rosa, Uval and owner/manager Antônio Silvestre Ferreira filed a Special Revitalization Process (PER).
According to information provided to Lidador Noticias (LN) by source connected to the process, “companies and individual entrepreneurs resorted to the Special Revitalization Process, the same Provisional Judicial Administrator having been appointed for each of the three processes”.
The same source described the next steps in the process: “the claim of credits follows, preparation of lists of creditors and negotiation with creditors with a view to implementing a joint recovery plan for the business group”, justified our interlocutor.
Remember that they were admitted last day 18 of December, in the Generic Jurisdiction Court of Ferreira do Alentejo, three Special Revitalization Process requirements (PER) filed by the parent company Vale da Rosa, the subsidiary Uval and the owner/administrator Antonio Silvestre Ferreira, having the judge, to whom the process was distributed, provisional judicial administrator appointed.
According to the publication of requirements on the Citius Portal, the list is already complete 49 creditors.
From the applicant Vale da Rosa – Agricultural Society, Lda (18): Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria (Portugal) SADDLE, BPI Bank, S.A., Portuguese Commercial Bank, S.A., Banco Santander True, S.A., Bankinter SA-Branch in Portugal, Biosmart – Environmental Solutions, S.A., Torres Vedras Mutual Agricultural Credit Bank, CRL, Caixa Econômica Montepio Geral, General cash deposits, S.A., Colchemy – National Cola Industry, S. A., Embalpom, Lda, Fepal – Packaging and Pallet Manufacturing, Limited, Maiadouro Graphics, S.A., Grenke Renting, S.A., Khune & Nagel, Ldª., Moza Nuts, Lda, New Bank, S.A. e Toyota Kreditbank GmbH – Branch in Portugal
From the applicant Uval -Sociedade Agrícola, Lda (12): BPI Bank, S.A., Portuguese Commercial Bank, S.A., Banco Santander True, S.A., BNP Paribas Lease Group, SADDLE, Sheep Leonor – Alentejo, Lda., Caixa Econômica Montepio Geral, General cash deposits, S.A., Ccacp – Canal Profissional Commercial and Agricultural Center, on, Phytosystem – Products, Servicing, Machinery for Agriculture and Green Spaces, Multitempo – Temporary Work Company, Ldª, Plus Alqueva, S.A. and Protejagro Comercialização Produtos Ldª
From the debtor Antonio José Ramos Silvestre Ferreira (19): The Temporary – Temporary Work Company, Lda, Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria, S.A., Branch in Portugal, BPI Bank, S.A., Portuguese Commercial Bank, S.A., Banco Santander True, S.A., Bankinter SA-Branch in Portugal, BNP Paribas Lease Group,SADDLE, Sheep Leonor – Alentejo, Lda., Torres Vedras Mutual Agricultural Credit Bank, CRL, Alentejo Sul Mutual Agricultural Credit Bank, C.R.L., Caixa Econômica Montepio Geral, General cash deposits, S.A., Ccacp – Canal Profissional Commercial and Agricultural Center, SADDLE, Multitempo – Temporary Work Company, Ldª, Multitempo Serviços Unipessoal Lda, Plus Alqueva, S.A., Proinlac – Products for the Food Industry, Lda, Protejagro Comercialização Produtos Ldª and Toyota Kreditbank Gmbh – Branch in Portugal
In 23 December 2024, the LN revealed that the 19 December, an Ordinary Execution had been filed at the Central Civil and Criminal Court of the Court of Beja, with Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria as executor., S.A., Branch in Portugal and how Vale da Rosa – Sociedade Agrícola, Lda. and Antonio José Ramos Silvestre Ferreira. According to the publication of the execution on the Citius Portal, at stake is the value of 820 692,12 euros, having already been appointed an Enforcement Agent.
Teixeira Correia