The parent company Vale da Rosa, the subsidiary Uval and the owner/manager António Silvestre Ferreira filed a Special Revitalization Process with the Court of Ferreira do Alentejo (PER). This is an alternative mechanism that, among other situations,, aims to suspend seizures and other executive measures, how to enter the Beja Court.
Based on the Estate with the same name, in Peroguarda, Ferreira do Alentejo county, considered one of the most robust in Alentejo, in terms of turnover, billing and embargality, is gradually showing that it is in a complicated situation and with “holes in the structure”, like Titanic in the middle of the ocean.
They were received in the past day 18 of December, in the Generic Jurisdiction Court of Ferreira do Alentejo, three Special Revitalization Process requirements (PER) filed by the parent company Vale da Rosa, the subsidiary Uval and the owner/administrator Antonio Silvestre Ferreira, having the judge, to whom the process was distributed, provisional judicial administrator appointed.
According to the publication of requirements on the Citius Portal, are creditors: or BPI Bank, S.A., New Bank, S.A. and a Fepal – Packaging and Pallet Manufacturing, Limited, from the applicant Vale da Rosa – Agricultural Society, Lda, or BPI Bank, S.A of the applicant Uval -Sociedade Agrícola, Lda. and o Banco BPI, S.A. and the Caixa de Crédito Agrícola Mútuo do Alentejo Sul, C.R.L. and the debtor Antonio José Ramos Silvestre Ferreira.
It is recalled that last day 23 of December, Lidador Notícias revealed that the 19 December, an Ordinary Execution had been filed at the Central Civil and Criminal Court of the Court of Beja, with Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria as executor., S.A., Branch in Portugal and how Vale da Rosa – Sociedade Agrícola, Lda. and Antonio José Ramos Silvestre Ferreira. According to the publication of the execution on the Citius Portal, at stake is the value of 820 692,12 euros, having already been appointed an Enforcement Agent.
Regarding the three processes of the Special Revitalization Process (PER) who were admitted to the Generic Jurisdiction Court of Ferreira do Alentejo, the judge responsible for the case, established by order the duties and powers of the said administrator and which are as follows: The administrator has the right to access the company's headquarters and business facilities and to carry out any inspections and examinations, namely the elements of its accounting. The company is obliged to provide you with all the information necessary to carry out your functions.
Who can appeal to PER
Business (quota companies, single-person limited liability companies, Anonymous Societies, sole proprietors, etc…) who are in a difficult economic situation or in a situation of merely imminent insolvency.
Individuals who are not sole traders (and non-profit legal entities, as for ex. associations, foundations, mercies, etc) Those who find themselves in a difficult economic situation can resort to the special process for a payment agreement (PEAP), which is a process designed to allow its recovery and restructuring and, so, avoid personal insolvency.
Purpose of PER
The special revitalization process (PER) intended to restructure the liabilities of companies that are in a difficult economic situation or in a situation of imminent insolvency; works, because, as an alternative mechanism to company insolvency, which aims to protect the company and jobs, maintaining activity and suspending seizures and other executive measures.
Teixeira Correia