Sales News: GNR seized 1,2 million euros tobacco.
The GNR said it had seized 5,5 million cigarettes, assessed in 1,2 million and were for illegal sale, and arrested a man, in Vendas Novas municipality, District of Évora. This is the third arrest since 27 September in Évora district.
The cigarettes were detected in a heavy goods vehicle, which was carrying rolls of toilet paper, during an inspection operation for the control of goods in circulation, conducted by the Fiscal Action Unit GNR, explains the security force, in a statement sent to Lusa agency.
The official communications and public relations of Fiscal Action Unit GNR, Captain Peter Toque, said the Lusa that 5,5 million cigarettes, who had no tax stamp and, that is why, did not fulfill the legal formalities relating to the payment of taxes due, They were evaluated in 1.237.500 euros, of which 994.675 euros correspond to the tax provision due for fraudulent home use.
Segundo a GNR, the man, of 53 year old, He was arrested on suspicion of fraudulent crime introduction of practice on tobacco consumption, notify to perform at the Judicial Court of Montemor-o-Novo, Évora, for the first judicial interrogation, lacked the diligence.
4 October: the aery goods control movement in A6 (Lisbon-Badajoz) Fiscal Action Unit GNR leads to arrest 2,4 million cigarettes, no value 540 thousand euros, a “tax evasion” of 301 thousand euros. The operation was to be held in A6, the road linking Lisbon to Spain, by the Montemor-o-Novo node, when it was anticipated a freight vehicle with 120 thousand snuff, to March River, without fulfilling the formal legalities and tax.
27 of September: A GNR de Évora, He dismantled a craft factory of illegal tobacco, that worked in the annex of a house in that city, and seized tobacco, cigarettes and manufacturing equipment, worth two thousand euros. The owner of the house, of 37 year old, He was responsible for the business management, where three women tobacco manufacturavam, it was packed in packets made in Évora stationery. each packet, white label, I had a cost between 1,5 and 2 euros.
Teixeira Correia