Vidigueira: Summer Junior Academy 2017.

The Summer Junior Academy 2017, will take children and young people during the school holidays.

THE ACADEMY SUMMER JUNIOR 2017, initiative of the Municipality of Vidigueira that aims to continue the Youth Holiday Program, developed several years ago by the local authority, will take place, in July (start 3) and August, and is aimed at children and young people between 5 and 12 year old, of all the parishes of the county Vidigueira.

The presentation ACADEMY SUMMER JUNIOR 2017 will take place 30 June in the following locations:

17H30 Vila de Frades (Parish gasket), 18H30 Vidigueira (lawn municipal pools), 19H30 Selmes (Polo center Multifaceted) e 20H30 Pedrógão do Alentejo (hall of the social center)

This project aims to support families and engage in a healthy and fun leisure time of young, during the summer holiday period, providing a learning motor skills, psychomotor and social, by participating in various activities.

Registration for the Junior Academy will take place from 28 June, Multifaceted the Center for New Technologies in the Vidigueira and Pedrogão Parish, Selmes and Vila de Frades.

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