Vidigueira: Detained individual with police vehicle material.

The Territorial Detachment of the GNR of Beja stopped in Vidigueira, an individual 21 year old, in possession of a prohibited weapon, ammunition and material used in police vehicles and providing relief.

The detention took place following the action of a road inspection, after approaching a vehicle, with several occupants and in the face of the driver's nervousness, a search was made of the driver and seized various material illegally held by the individual.

The military seized a special device for emitting sound signals, reserved for police vehicles or for the provision of assistance, a cane used as a weapon of aggression and three ammunition.

Individuals, such as those traveling in another vehicle, came from a city on the west side of Lisbon and the authorities suspect that they were involved in a reckoning, aimed at family members of the man who was arrested last Monday in Vidigueira and who was the author of a shootout in the Pontal neighborhood, in Portimão. Everyone involved in situations in the Algarve city and Vidigueira, are of gypsy ethnicity.

After the suspect's arrest, the family members who accompanied him were released and stayed at a friend's house in the Alentejo village. And because they knew where the individuals that the group traveled in two cars were for a possible reckoning.

The suspect in the Portimão shooting was in preventive detention and according to a PJ source, at the origin of the feud were passionate issues involving the two Roma families.

In turn, the last detainee in Vidigueira was constituted accused and the facts were referred to the Judicial Court of Cuba.

Teixeira Correia


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