Vidigueira: Entrepreneur Friars Village Restoration, dies in motorcycle screening.
Rui Janeirinho, owner of a cafe in Vila de Frades, county Vidigueira, He died on Saturday night, following the screening of the bike leading, occurred in the IP2 between Vidigueira and Portel.
The biker returning home, after being in fellowship with friends also connected to bikes, when for unknown reasons, lost control of the bike, struck a button pontoon located on berma da estrada. The warning was given about the 22,43 hours, taking the death was declared on site.
The body of Rui Janeirinho, It was transported to the Medical service legal of the Holy Spirit Hospital, Evora, where it will be autopsied. According to found the LN, the funeral should be held in the evening tomorrow (Wednesday), Friars in the village cemetery.
To the crash site were mobilized and operational vehicles of Portel Fire and Vidigueira, medical vehicle emergency and resuscitation (VMER) do Hospital da Beja e a GNR.
The section of IP2, between Portsmouth and Vidigueira, is a place where the accidents that occur there, always caused fatalities, because it is a broad gauge, where drivers circulating at high speed.
Teixeira Correia