Vidigueira: Municipality investment in pre-school and 1st cycle of basic education.
At the beginning of new school year, the area of ​​Education continues to deserve special attention and a strong investment of the Municipality of Vidigueira, providing a range of support and taking on various responsibilities at that level.
Social School Action: The local authority provides measures of school social action in terms of food support, textbooks and school supplies for students in pre-school and 1st cycle of basic education, an investment by the municipality of about 150 thousand euros.
The socio-educational support are intended to contribute to equal opportunities in access to education and school success, inserted by the students in families with a disadvantaged socioeconomic status more.
The City Council guarantees, also, free transportation of students in primary and compartipa in 50% the displacement of secondary school students. Near 170 Children and young people are transported daily. The school transport network represents an average annual investment of about 100 thousand euros.
Supply and Bank of textbooks: The City Council proceeded Vidigueira, as in previous years, the provision of free textbooks to primary school students in the county (1º., 2º. e 3º ciclos), an investment of around 25 thousand euros. The municipality of Vidigueira started the supply of textbooks, nine years ago, with the 1st cycle, It is one of the pioneers in this area in support of Education and Teaching, later extending this offer to 2nd and 3rd. cycles, thus covering all the basic education. The Bank of textbooks is a local authority initiative project that has the support and involvement of Vidigueira Group of Schools, students and respective families.
Motor expression and Music in Education Preschool: In the school year 2015/2016, the City Council will continue to provide regular activities of motor expression and music to integrated students in preschool public and private network of the county in line with the curriculum guidelines for this level of basic education. This project aims to help improve and diversify the educational offer, creating conditions to encourage their formation and balanced development through activities that provide specialized and differentiated learning. These activities have weekly in each of the pre-school classes, involving a total of 142 students.
Sing Alentejo in the 1st cycle: Developed for the fourth consecutive school year, the Alentejo Sing in the 1st cycle covers about 127 students of 3rd and 4th years of schooling (by office) and all the school years of the remaining parishes in the 1st cycle of basic education around the county.