Resulting from the insolvency proceedings of the Cooperativa de Consumo Proletário Alentejano, in Beja (CoopBeja), three properties are being auctioned.
A store with four storage rooms, a storage room and a house with a yard, located in Vidigueira and which were part of the assets of the Cooperativa de Consumo Proletário Alentejano, in Beja, that are the subject of an electronic auction, with a total value of 99.120 euros, but which can be tendered separately.
The electronic auction started last day 21 June and ends the next day 30 of July and according to the auctioneer the store with four storage rooms has the value of 39.200 euros, the collection is worth 47.600 euros and the house with a yard is based on 12.320 euros.
All these assets are part of the insolvency process that CoopBeja is subject to and whose declaration sentence was handed down on the day 4 May 2012, which runs under the Court of Beja County, with two hundred creditors, between banks, suppliers of products and services and workers, no value 3.444.979.00 euros.
having detected the photographs and videos where other Asian citizens were mistreated 2018
As the Lidador News (LN) revealed that day, an Ordinary Execution process was filed on the day 28 December at the Central Civil Court and Criminal Beja District Court, where Caixa Geral de Depósitos SA, filed an enforcement action against four former directors of the Cooperativa Consumo Proletário Alentejano, in Beja (CoopBeja).
The process targeted members of Coop Beja's last management team and the execution has a value of 93.131,51 euros and to avoid the attachment of your assets, those involved in the process paid each other that amount.
The case had to do with assuming responsibility for a loan taken out by a previous management in the amount of 100.000 euros and the sworn members gave their approval.
Teixeira Correia