Beja: Old Conception Bª school passes aegis of U.F. and M ª Salvador. Fair.

The Parish Union of Salvador and Feira concluded with the Municipality of Beja one transfer protocol for this Parishes of Union Ancientprimary school of Nossa Senhora da Conceição Neighborhood.

It is a beautiful area of ​​town that was practically abandoned and in very poor condition. After the transfer of space, the Parishes Union has initiated a set of rehabilitation and conservation work.

Completed construction this will be a space open to the entire population, a Health Academy being created and Wellness will be held where various sporting activities, Cheers, directed formations and workshops especially for the adult population. But this space will gain momentum in periods of teaching breaks, activities aimed at children and young people.

Heard by Lidador News, Antonio Ramos, President of the Union of Parishes of Salvador and Santa Maria da Feira, justified that it is “a new space at the service of our customers will contribute to a better and greater union”, describing how the idea came.

“During the election campaign leading up to our victory we visited all the places of our parish. And we noticed a number of situations that we intend to address during this mandate. The former elementary school Conceição neighborhood was one of those situations, but with a relatively easy resolution, since there was a full opening of the House Executive. We scored meetings where we get to the Mayor and the Councilor Arlindo our concern with that equipment totally doomed to abandonment, degraded and it could be the scene of many initiatives and be placed at the service of the population. The Municipality of Beja us embraced this challenge and the protocol was signed. From there it was set to work”.

2. How old is the protocol ?
“The protocol was made for a period of 4 year old, renewable by agreement of the parties”.
3. What will be developed?
“That space will be developed various activities. We have listed sports activities for older, nutritionism programs, healthy eating, workshops variados, the continuity of the sewing atelier and the opening of others in other areas such as decorative arts, painting etc.. We also have programs “Net senior” , hinged formations with IEFP, activities for the little ones. Let us also think of there developing activities in teaching breaks closing a household problem. We want to have a room available for private parties to whom the requisite, upon payment of a fee. No less important, we want to use that space also to decentralize meetings either of the Parish Assembly or of the Parish Union executive itself, this being closest way people”.
4. Who can register?
“Everyone can sign. In fact anyone can sign up, but our priority is, in the event of oversubscription, residents in our parish. There are no age limits. Just want to take part in activities”.
5. It is like?
“registrations, when space is open (we hope that the opening can be made 25 April 2018), They can be made on site but preferably in the Parishes Union headquarters”.
6. how much do the works cost?
“The works did not have a significant cost, since we bought the materials and our staff proceeded to recovery work. Certainly the biggest investment will be the level of furniture equipment that we need to acquire, but their costs are not yet estimated. But this is a social work, streamline city areas that are “distant” knit urban center. We want the space to be an asset to our outlying neighborhoods, that is a real stage of leisure activities of our population and therefore any cost that this space may have will be compensated by the smile of our customers”.
Teixeira Correia

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