Beja: Was published today in the Official Gazette the order for installation Aeroneo.
It was today, day 22 of September, published in the Official Gazette, the order that unlocks the installation process of the aeronautical infrastructure of Aeroneo company in Beja. The call “Factory” within the BA 11.
According to the joint order of the State Treasury Secretaries, Alvaro Antonio da Costa New and National Defense, Marcos da Cunha and Lorraine Perestrello de Vasconcellos, the Government decided “provide for monetization the property referred to as 'factory' composed of hangars and the appended areas BA11 – Beja, with the area 113 621 m2, identified in plant attached to this order, which is an integral part, located in the municipality of Beja”.
The Municipality of Beja has reacted saying that “welcomes this facility”, arguing that it is the result of “a set of institutional contacts in the municipality of Beja”, marked by a lot of persistence among government officials, whereas the same “It represents an important step for the development of the region and the beginning of what could be a cluster aeronautical, employment promoter and promoter of new dynamic economic growth”.
- Disaffection of military public domain – Real Estate unit 131 – Air Base No. 11 Beja – area to be used by AERONEO
- Text
The national aviation industry is an important element for economic growth of the country having benefited from favorable conditions, created by the National Defense policy, that allowed its development and affirmation as a cutting-edge industry in the technology sector, high added value, that encourages and values ​​the investment contributing positively to the trade balance, thus ensuring cross-cutting benefits for the economy, with repercussions at national level.
On the other hand the development of aviation infrastructure is also a hub of national competitiveness, being possible, in some circumstances and in compliance with national legislation, Community and international sector, reconcile the military operation with the use of such infrastructure also for civil aviation.
Construction of the Civil Terminal Beja (TCB) and the use by civil aircraft of aviation infrastructure called «Real Estate Unit 131 – Air Base No. 11 " (UI 131-BA 11), located in Beja, allowed to optimize the use of existing military infrastructure. Yet, since they remain the challenges to the sustainable development of TCB, there is still room for further cooperation of the Ministry of National Defense in this optimization.
There is also available on that property unit a property with airport capacity consists of hangars and associated areas of BA11 – Factory designated " -, with the area 113 621 m2, I see matters monetized by shape, on the one hand, exploit the full potential of that infrastructure to generate revenue to offset the costs inherent to its functioning and, for another, boost the economy and regional and national business, favoring the development of industry and, in particular, to aviation.
A company AERONEO – Industry, Trade and Aviation Services – Society of Portuguese law, It has a license for the occupation, construction and operation, no TCB, a plant in aircraft maintenance. This company, inserted into international group of area maintenance and dismantling of aircraft, as well as the services and appliances management, expressed interest in boosting and developing the property referred to as "Factory" valences that complement the maintenance activities, highlighting these valences dismantling aircraft.
By resolution of Council of Ministers No. 55/2017, of 19 April, It was recognized the exceptional public interest in aircraft dismantling activity, parts management and parts from this activity to be undertaken by AERONEO – Industry, Trade and Aviation Services, Lda., the property referred to as "Factory", by entering into a lease, by direct adjustment, for this sole purpose, the terms and other conditions set forth in the Organic Law No. 6/2015 of 18 May, e no Decreto-Lei n.º 280/2007 of 7 August;
Against this background and given that the "Factory" is part of the military public domain and that another use that is not of a military nature imposes the respective disaffection that domain, It becomes necessary the promotion of disaffection that should domain, however, be safeguarded the future reversion to the public domain after use.
The Organic Law No. 6/2015, of 18 May, It sets out the provisions on the management of real property pertaining to national defense available for monetization;
This Organic Law refers to the order of the Cabinet members responsible for finance and national defense the management of the properties pertaining to the national defense available for monetization;
Under paragraph 2 Article 1, do n.º 1 Article 7 and paragraph 3 Article 8 of the Organic Law No. 6/2015, of 18 May, determined-are:
1 – To provide for monetization the property referred to as 'factory' composed of hangars and the appended areas BA11 – Beja, with the area 113 621 m2, identified in plant attached to this order, which is an integral part, located in the municipality of Beja.
2 – Desafetar military public domain and integrate into the private domain of the State, affection for National Defense, the property referred to above.
3 – Authorize lease, by direct adjustment, the Company AERONEO – Industry, Trade and Aviation Services, Lda., the property designated as "Factory", located in Beja, under paragraph g), do n.º 1 Article 61 of Decree-Law No. 280/2007, of 7 August, upon payment of the monthly income 40.170,00 (euro), upgradeable annually in accordance with the legally prescribed for non-residential leases.
4 – Fix for the lease term 15 year old, subject to a single renewal for the same period, if the Portuguese Air Force does not need the property at the end of the initial term.
5 – To establish that the lease is intended exclusively for the development of aircraft dismantling activity and parts management and parts from this activity.
6 – The revenue generated with this lease is affects under Article 15 of the Organic Law No. 6/2015 of 18 May.
7 – That occurring termination of the lease, the property enters the public domain military affectation of National Defense, Since the AERONEO – Industry, Trade and Aviation Services, Lda., entitled to any consideration or compensation, not entitled to retention by improvements made.
8 – The legal and registral regularization of the property is carried out by the General Directorate of National Defense Resources.
9 – The stipulation of other contractual conditions and the execution of the lease shall be borne by the General Directorate of Treasury and Finance and the Directorate General of Resources of National Defense.