CIMB: Ordinary May meeting of the Intermunicipal Council was held in Barrancos.
Within the scope of decentralized meetings, On Monday, the village of Barrancos hosted the May meeting of the CIMBAL Intermunicipal Council.
Odemira: Man arrested for threatening his partner with weapons.
A man of 46 years old was arrested by the GNR in the early hours of this Tuesday for threatening his partner with weapons, of 38 year old, in Odemira (Beja), said a source from that security force.
Beja: Young man sentenced to eight years in prison for attempted murder.
A youngster, of 21 year old, was yesterday sentenced in the Court of Beja, a 8 years in prison for the material authorship of a crime of qualified homicide in the attempted form, committed against a man who “considered he was a member of a police agencyâ€.
U.F.Salvador and Santa Maria da Feira: parish news.
The Union of Parishes of Beja (Salvador and Feira) celebrated May 1st with a knitting tournament. The winning duo, Manuel Dias and José Varrasquinho, will represent the Union of Parishes in the Municipal games of Beja, with date to be set.
Air Force: Squad hits 506 flight hours during medical transport.
A police 506 – Air Force ‘Rhinos’ surpassed 500 flight hours on Monday, day 29 April, during medical transport between the Azores Archipelago and mainland Portugal.
Ovibeja: Opening speech by the president of ACOS, Rui Garrido.
This year we celebrate edition no. 40 the Ovibeja. First of all, I want to say that it is with great honor that we have the presence of Mr.. Prime Minister, Dr. Luis Montenegro, in this opening session and we are very grateful.