Mértola: Housing Improvement program helps needy.

Within the housing improvements program, promoted by the Municipality of Mértola, 25 county families have benefited from works in their homes in the year 2015.

Housing projectEstas intervenções melhoram as condições de segurança e conforto de pessoas em situação de dificuldade ou risco relacionado com a mobilidade e ou segurança no domicilio. These supports materialize into conservation work, repair or renovation of dilapidated housing, including connection to the water supply and sewerage networks electricity.

Registration for the housing improvement program are open during the first half of each year (from January to June), in the service office of the Town Hall. Its purpose is to improve the basic living conditions of individuals or needy and disadvantaged households in the city.

Access to this program dependent, cumulatively, the following conditions: residence in the municipality of Mértola for at least two years; permanent residents on housing enrolled for support; disadvantaged economic situation, duly attested; delivery of all types of evidence that are required in order to establish the applicant's economic situation and the household members.

Priority will be given to decision the applications that constitute emergencies or great shortage, taking into account the following criteria: degree of degradation of housing, existência de idosos doentes ou situações de deficiência de algum membro do agregado, or children at risk.

In January 2016 será afixado o edital informando a nova data para que os munícipes de Mértola se inscrevam caso o necessitem.

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