The Union of Parishes of Beja (Salvador and Feira) was present at the CLAS Executive Nucleus meeting and at the IPSS District Meeting in Beja.
The President of the Parish Council of the Union of Parishes of Beja (Salvador and Feira), Antonio Ramos, was present on wednesday 10 de Maio at the School in the neighborhood of Nossa Senhora da Conceição at the CLAS Executive Nucleus meeting (Local Social Action Council) with the following agenda: Analysis of the works developed, proposals and completion of the Action Plan 2023 and Other Matters.
The President of the Parish Council of the Union of Parishes of Beja (Salvador and Feira) Antonio Ramos, at the invitation of Dr.ª Conceição Casa Nova, President of UDIPSS Beja District Union of Private Institutions of Social Solidarity of Beja, was present on the day 11 May, in the auditorium of NERBE-AEBAL, to attend the 2nd IPSS District Meeting in Beja. In addition to the President Dr. Conceição Casa Nova, the Opening and Welcome session was attended by. The Doctor. º Sergio Fernandes (Director of the Central District of Beja Social Security) and Dr. Marisa Saturnino (Councilwoman of CM Beja responsible for Social Action).
The President of the Parish Council of the Union of Parishes of Beja (Salvador and Feira), Antonio Ramos, at the invitation of the Direction of Academia Esporte de Beja, attended on Saturday 13 May, at the Santa Maria Pavilion, for the Prize Giving Protocol Ceremony of the 2nd Tournament city of Beja Gymnastics of Trampolins.
Secretary Bruno Sustelo and Member Rita Brito were representing the executive of this Parish Council, last saturday day 13 May, at the headquarters of the Humanitarian Association of Beja Firefighters, for the Commemorations of the 134th anniversary of this Association.
The maintenance teams of the Parish Council of the Union of Parishes of Beja (Salvador and Feira) During this week, they will proceed with the cleaning and collection of monkeys in all molok and container stations, of the neighborhoods and streets of the parishes, clean up the Conceição neighborhood, neighborhood of Moinhos, Santa Maria urbanization, King's Fifth, neighborhood of Pelame Colina do Carmo, and neighborhood of hope.
It is planned for this week to place three litter bins in the Mouraria garden and to replace the litter bins in Barranco do Poço dos Frangos.
The Union Parish Council of Parishes of Beja (Salvador and Feira) scheduled for thursday 18, clearing weeds using brush cutters, on Rua Tenente Sanches Miranda, Rua VergÃlio Ferreira Quinta del Rei and Largo Raul de Carvalho in Bairro da Conceição.
This Parish Council of the Union of Parishes, reminds all customers that they can deliver bulky waste free of charge (furniture, mattresses, home appliances and green waste), at Ecocentro de Beja on Rua da Metalúrgica Alentejana from Monday to Friday between 7 h e as 20 h, and on Saturday between 8 e as 19h. We remind you that you should avoid placing branches and monora next to the containers, calling the parish union to collect it at home Telf 284313100 or 284313112.